Saturday, May 9, 2020

Metronomes Playlist

When practicing guitar, and instruments it is a good idea to use a metronome. It will come to help you with presentation of music.

In the past, people needed to purchase metronomes at music stores, but that is no longer the case. Now at you can use a metronome, essentially for free. Of course you pay in advertising, or you can pay not to see ads.

I set up a list of metronomes to give me essentially an hour long practice session at youtube. If you want to find my playlist at simply click here

About the Playlist

These metronomes are in 4/4 time, which means to count to 4 repeatedly, but emphasize 1 every time when counting to 4. Metronomes don’t have to count to 4, and some only repeat 1 over and over.

To start, if you are a beginner hit a note every time when counting to 4. If you need to go slower has slower metronomes. Perhaps, do a search for a “60 metronome 4/4.” 60 BPM refers to 60 beats per minute. Thus, that would be really slow using a beat only once per second, but that is a place many need to start. Sometimes playing slower is more difficult.

Eventually, you should be able to double 60 BPM (120 beats per minute), or 100 BPM (200 beats per minute), or maybe even triple 60 BPM (180 BPM), or quadruple 100 BPM (400 BPM)!

Depending on how much endurance you have, spending 10min, the length of these videos, is a good amount of time to spend for exercises.

Don’t be afraid to relax, and come back at it again as metronomes tick.

Metronomes are for everyone because they can improve the sound of any musician.

I plan to add the link to future lessons and past lessons where metronome practice is especially important.

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